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A Complete Guide to Watermakers for Boats

Boating enthusiasts and professionals understand the great importance of having a reliable source of fresh water while aboard a boat, yacht, or sailboat. This is where boaters begin to consider installing a powerboat or sailboat watermaker. In this comprehensive guide, ECHOTec Watermakers will explore everything that you need to know about watermakers for boats. This will include how they work, their benefits, and choosing the right one to meet your needs. 

What Is a Watermaker?

A watermaker is a system that is designed to convert seawater into fresh, potable water. This desalination system is ideal for vessels that travel for long distances, or that frequently voyage to remote areas where freshwater may be limited. Watermakers are an essential part of ensuring that everyone on board has access to fresh water for drinking, cleaning, or cooking. 

How Does a Watermaker Work on a Boat?

Most watermakers operate using a process called reverse osmosis. This involves seawater being drawn into the system and passing through multiple pre-filters to remove any large particles and debris from the water. It then goes through a high-pressure pump that forces water through a semipermeable membrane – separating the salt and other impurities from the water molecules. This process results in fresh, clean water which is ideal for drinking and other uses onboard your vessel.

How Big of a Watermaker Do I Need?

Choosing the right size watermaker depends on various factors, including the size of your boat, the number of people you regularly have onboard, and your average water consumption needs. Here is a list of watermakers we suggest based on the size  of your vessel: 

You should also consider the following when choosing a watermaker:

  • Daily Water Usage: Calculate your total water consumption for drinking, cooking, and cleaning on your boat.
  • Storage Capacity: Ensure that your boat’s freshwater tanks can store the amount of water that your powerboat watermaker or your sailboat watermaker is producing.
  • Power Availability: Check your vessel’s power supply to ensure that it can handle the watermaker’s required power.  

Are Watermakers Worth It? 

Investing in a quality watermaker for boats can offer several benefits. The first is enabling your vessel to be self-sufficient and independently producing freshwater without any shore-based water supplies. This also leads to extended voyages and adventures on your boat without the worry of running out of potable water. The third benefit of boat watermakers is the convenience of having fresh water on demand. This reduced the need to carry large quantities of bottled water on your voyages. The last benefit, which is one of the most important advantages, is that a watermaker reduces the environmental impact since there is less plastic waste from bottled water. 

Trust ECHOTec for Your Freshwater Needs

Watermakers are an essential part of equipment for boating enthusiasts and professionals, providing them with a reliable source of freshwater that offers multiple benefits. Whether you’re considering yacht watermakers, powerboat watermakers, or even sailboat watermakers, ECHOTec Watermakers has you covered. We specialize in installing, repairing, and maintaining watermakers for boats.Our expert team will ensure that your watermaker is always in top condition and operating efficiently. Trust us for all of your yacht’s needs and experience peace of mind while cruising the seas. Contact us today to find the watermaker that is best for you!