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Watermaker troubleshooting is a critical aspect of maintaining a reliable and efficient water purification system. The intricate nature of watermaker components, including membranes, pumps, and electronic modules, makes occasional issues inevitable. Identifying and addressing these issues promptly is paramount in ensuring the continuous production of high-quality fresh water. Timely troubleshooting serves several crucial purposes. First, it helps prevent minor issues from escalating into major malfunctions, minimizing downtime and potentially costly repairs. Additionally, troubleshooting allows for the identification of inefficiencies that may impact the watermaker’s performance, enabling proactive measures to optimize the system. To learn more about reverse osmosis watermaker troubleshooting for your desalination system for home or sailboat desalination systems, continue reading below. 

What Are Electric Watermaker Common Issues?

Electric reverse osmosis (RO) watermakers are sophisticated systems that can encounter various issues over time. Here are some common problems associated with electric RO watermakers:

Low Water Production:

  • Possible Causes: Clogged pre-filters, a malfunctioning pump, or issues with the membrane.
  • Troubleshooting: Check and replace pre-filters, inspect the pump for proper functioning, and assess the condition of the membrane.

High System Pressure:

  • Possible Causes: Malfunctioning pressure regulator, blockages in the brine flow, or a faulty membrane.
  • Troubleshooting: Inspect and adjust the pressure regulator, clear any blockages in the brine flow path, and assess the membrane’s condition.


  • Possible Causes: Loose fittings, damaged seals, or issues with tubing connections.
  • Troubleshooting: Tighten loose fittings, replace damaged seals, and inspect tubing connections for any signs of wear or damage.

Unusual Noises:

  • Possible Causes: Air pockets in the system, issues with the pump, or loose components.
  • Troubleshooting: Bleed air from the system, check the pump for proper functioning, and secure any loose components.

Fluctuating TDS Levels:

  • Possible Causes: A worn-out membrane, faulty TDS sensor, or inadequate pre-filtration.
  • Troubleshooting: Replace the membrane, calibrate or replace the TDS sensor, and ensure proper pre-filtration.

Electrical Issues:

  • Possible Causes: Faulty wiring, issues with the power supply, or a malfunctioning control panel.
  • Troubleshooting: Inspect and repair faulty wiring, check the power supply, and assess the control panel for any errors.

The System Won’t Start:

  • Possible Causes: Electrical failures, faulty switches, or issues with the control board.
  • Troubleshooting: Verify the power supply, inspect switches for functionality, and check the control board for errors.

How Long Do Watermakers Last?

The lifespan of watermakers can vary based on several factors, including the quality of components, maintenance practices, and operational conditions. On average, well-maintained and high-quality watermakers can last anywhere from 5 to 20 years or more. Routine maintenance, such as replacing filters, membranes, and other consumables at recommended intervals, significantly contributes to the longevity of the system. 

How Do I Know If My RO System Is Bad?

Determining whether your reverse osmosis (RO) system is experiencing issues may not always be straightforward, and subtle problems can impact its performance over time. Signs of a potentially problematic RO system include reduced water production, fluctuating water quality, or unusual noises during operation. However, these symptoms may not pinpoint the root cause.

To accurately assess the health of your RO system and identify any underlying issues, seeking the expertise of a professional troubleshooting service is highly recommended. Trained professionals, such as those provided by reputable companies like ECHOTec Watermakers, possess the knowledge and tools to conduct a comprehensive examination of the system, diagnose potential problems, and recommend precise solutions.

Why Isn’t My Reverse Osmosis System Working?

The reasons for a reverse osmosis (RO) system not working can be multifaceted, ranging from common issues like clogged filters, malfunctioning pumps, or deteriorating membranes to more complex problems involving electrical components or system compatibility. Pinpointing the exact cause may not be evident without a thorough examination by professionals skilled in RO system troubleshooting. Our solar watermaker manufacturer can point you in the right direction with our reverse osmosis watermaker troubleshooting.

Why Is There No Water Coming Out of My Reverse Osmosis System? 

The absence of water flow from your reverse osmosis (RO) system can be attributed to various issues, and troubleshooting is crucial to accurately identify the root cause. Some of the most popular reasons for no water coming out of a reverse osmosis system include clogged filters, low water pressure, malfunctioning pumps, membrane issues, closed shutoff valves, and more. Our professionals are here to help ensure you find the exact reasons why no water is coming out of your reverse osmosis system. 

How Do I Know If My RO Membrane Is Clogged? 

Detecting a clogged reverse osmosis (RO) membrane involves observing key indicators that signal potential issues with the water purification system. One prominent sign is a noticeable decrease in water production, as a clogged membrane impedes the filtration process. Monitoring total dissolved solids (TDS) levels in the purified water is another crucial aspect. A sudden rise in TDS readings indicates compromised membrane efficiency. However, this is not the only reason why a membrane could be clogged. If your RO membrane is clogged, do not hesitate to reach out to our professionals. 

More About ECHOTec Watermakers

Aside from providing reverse osmosis watermaker troubleshooting, we are a proud provider of the best marine watermakers on the planet. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve clean, fresh water.